Haiyore! Nyaruko-san episode 02

By 7h3d4rkw0lf on Apr 22, 2012

Rape Imminent

Long story on this release. By which I mean I\'m still sitting here at 5:30 in the morning even though I have a soloist recital tomorrow. If anyone\'s in the new york area, feel free to come to West Point\'s Young Artist Concert. I\'m in there.

Anyway, delays, delays, and delays. I know we\'re technically a \"slowsub\" group, but even then we hit some massive brick walls eg college people having exams. (Those of us that are in highschool will have our share of exams soon enough)

Fun note: There\'s a sign that we weren\'t able to finish in time (if that makes sense) which means even though it should be properly motion tracked, shit\'s derping and we don\'t know why. The sign should be moving smoothly but it stutters. I left the sign commented out, but in the .ass itself if anyone\'s curious. The last 15 or so frames for that sign were hand typed by me because everyone else died and I don\'t have the proper motion tracking software (I tried to fix the entire sign... by hand. It didn\'t work out too in the end orz)

Anyway, enough ramblings. Enjoy episode two of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san!

10 bit v2: Torrent | DDL | xDelta
8 bit v2: Torrent | DDL | xDelta
480p mp4: Torrent | [DDL Soon]

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