Posts with tag: Touhou Anime

Touhou Mangekyou ~ Memories of Phantasm 02 (Fantasy Kaleidoscope)

By 7h3d4rkw0lf on Jun 21, 2013

Keikaku doori... kekeke

Hi. Have some Touhou.

Special thanks to Manx for providing the raw iso for encoding!

Track 1 - Original audio. No voices.
Track 2 - Legitimately done dub (default track)
Track 3 - Dub done by one person. Pretty impressive, though they all sound a bit similar... no shit.
Track 4 - Best Dub Ever.

Track 0 - Transcribed original Jap subs. Same timing, same placement, same everything. Take this as the \"original\" video.
Track 1 - Timed to the legit dub (default track)
Track 2 - Timed to the Jap subs. idk why we\'re including this. Because we can?
Track 3 - Timed to the One Man Dub
Track 4 - Timed to the Best Dub Ever

As Belldandy put it,

[12:24:56 AM] Remilia Scarlet:
[12:25:11 AM] soviet.belldandy: I...
[12:25:14 AM] soviet.belldandy: We released something
[12:25:21 AM] Remilia Scarlet: ikr

As JaeyJay put it,

[12:48:17 AM] Jaeyjay: say \"We were alive for the past week. We are now dead again after this post\"

That being said, we were alive for the past week. We are now dead again after this post. :Db


Touhou Musou Kakyou ~ A Summer Day\'s Dream 02

By 7h3d4rkw0lf on Aug 12, 2012

Even though this release image has nothing to do with the anime...

Anyway hi. We\'re back. We\'re not dead.(Proof, this time!) And we\'re back with the subs for the 4 years awaited MAIKAZE Touhou OVA! Episode 2 only took four years for them to make! I\'ll be out of undergraduate school by the time episode 3 comes out! \ o /

Anyway, this release was a hell of a mess. I didn\'t realize this thing came out until I woke up, after which I proceeded to sit down, grab chips, and type away as I TLed this thing at furious speeds.(Contrary to popular belief, I CAN translate quickly when I feel like it. Remember ano natsu when I TLed a full ep in 50 minutes?)

Anyway, yeah. The full story\'s over on the nyaa description. But hell, here\'s the credits list.

TLer: w0lf
TLCer w0lf, Puddizzle(aka Yumirose), Lygerzero0zero
Timer: Arche
TSer: msm595, lunr
Editor: Arche, Jeffrey-sama
k-timer: w0lf, puddizzle
kfx-er: puddizzle
Styler: w0lf
QCer: w0lf, Arche, ippikiryu

Aaaand the link to torrent.

v0 until we find a higher res source... nico nico rip being the highest res available atm.

Torrent v0 360p And DDL v0 360p - DepositFiles

Also, not that anyone visiting this site would care because they have nyaa and DDL, but we also have a Youtube upload of the v0.


v1 with 576p is coming shortly. Encodes are done and the weird resolution is because it\'s the max DVD upscale allowed by Nyaa torrents. Though an \"upscale,\" we\'ve done enough encoding magics, with the help of Tormaid from Anxious-He, that we gotten it to the point that the fact that it\'s an upscale isn\'t even noticeable. \ o /

We\'ll make another post for the v1, so check back in a few days or something!

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