Posts with tag: Introductions
Just so I can shock w0lf and say I actually posted my introduction... hi there. I\'m Belldandy-sama. I\'m an encoder and typesetter here at Ahodomo.
I started working with Ahodomo around... episode 12 of Nichijou. Started out as an Editor/Timer, then when we were working on the one episode of Ikoku Merrio, I learned how to typeset and I found I was more skilled at that than timing, so I then made the transition to typesetter as a replacement for Alex when he isn\'t around.
Weeks later, I showed an intrest in encoidng and said I had a powerful enough computer to encode videos, so I asked Alex when he was on for a run through of basic encoding, and then just went from there. I\'d be more useful as an encoder if I were able to get my hands on transport streams, but we don\'t have a capper to give us any.
Unfortunately, some of our releases were slow in terms of download durring the initial seed... thats because I was releasing them. I only have an 80KB/s upload connection so... I can\'t say this enough, I\'m sorry about how ungodly slow those torrents for the two albumns, like 3 RKB episodes, and for 3 Nichijou epsidoes (I forget which episodes I released but I remember how slow they were going).
So, once again: Hi, I\'m Belldandy-sama, I\'m a typesetter and encoder here, and my internet sucks.
Full title: So w0lf is making me write an introductory post as per what is apparently regulations for Ahodomo members nevermind the fact that I\'ve been posting the majority of our releases as well as the occasional announcement for
the status of a release since Februrary starting with the eigth episode as it was the most recent episode at the time of Haiyoru! Nyaruani purely so I could post an image of Erica Hartmann who is a character I like quite a bit just because of the Misaka post the previous day so I would think that my presence here would have been made known in the last eight months having perhaps the largest post count on the site but I guess not so way to interrupt my playing of video games when all I was trying to do was grind while losing track of the time and maybe listen to a few Touhou arranges as I normally do to pass the time when not busy with the fansubbing work we do which I do indeed hope that you will continue to watch and enjoy in the future but who really knows how well that will work out as long as conflict like this night which lead this post continues when all I could really go for is a cold drink and maybe a bag or Doritos to match however that seems as all but a futile dream as I sit in my chair wishing to be spending my night in a way other than writing out an introduction post that says nothing more than \"Hi, I edit and time stuff\" and guess what in the process of making this I discovered how to blow up the website! Anyway, thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy what you watch
w0lf edit: Nice job trying to blow up our site <3
edit2: nice aesthetic sense of a troll <3
msm595 edit (for those that don\'t want to go blind):
the status of a release since Februrary starting with the eigth episode as it was the most recent episode at the time of Haiyoru! Nyaruani purely so I could post an image of Erica Hartmann who is a character I like quite a bit just because of the Misaka post the previous day so I would think that my presence here would have been made known in the last eight months having perhaps the largest post count on the site but I guess not so way to interrupt my playing of video games when all I was trying to do was grind while losing track of the time and maybe listen to a few Touhou arranges as I normally do to pass the time when not busy with the fansubbing work we do which I do indeed hope that you will continue to watch and enjoy in the future but who really knows how well that will work out as long as conflict like this night which lead this post continues when all I could really go for is a cold drink and maybe a bag or Doritos to match however that seems as all but a futile dream as I sit in my chair wishing to be spending my night in a way other than writing out an introduction post that says nothing more than \"Hi, I edit and time stuff\" and guess what in the process of making this I discovered how to blow up the website! Anyway, thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy what you watch
Hi, everyone. I\'m Ippikiryu; or Flandre; a newer addition to the Ahodomo group. I work mainly as an editor, but I\'m trying to polish my Japanese skills so I can be an efficient TLCer as well.
Basic work description aside, I like KEY stuff, I like crude, sexual humor, and thanks to w0lf, I became a huge Touhou fan about 2 months ago. Not that much else special about me. Hmm, background, I\'m a 16 year old Canadian born Chinese, I play music, and do other asian stuff. Yeah. I play CoD because I don\'t have anything better to play. I also like SC2. And Basketball. And Ultimate.
I finally figured out how to login :D
Hello, Jaeyjay here. I\'m mainly a timer, though sometimes typeset when we are short on sla- I mean members. W0lf-sama scolds me for my mistakes ;_;. So I\'m technically still learning and improving~.
Hey whats up this is 7h3d4rkw0lf, aka w0lf, aka w0lfy, aka wolfmeister, aka Yuto, aka the jap, aka whatever the hell you want to call me, anyways, I\'ll be doing the translating as well as another friend of mine, who is yet to start posting or even making an account on here...
Anyways yeah, new subbing group... I guess, no plans on becoming number one or anything, we\'re all new (sort of, typesetter has some previous experience) and all in all, we\'re just here to have some fun and make it possible for as many other people enjoy anime as possible (spread the love!) (ok that was lame)
So if anyone\'s wondering what shows I like or the like, I generally enjoy SoL animes, Lucky Star and K-On!! come to mind specifically, and I\'m also a Haruhi follower (first anime), but I also absolutely love any Key animes such as Clannad or Kanon06. But perhaps most of all, although it\'s not an anime, I\'m definitely, and maybe more than anime, a fan of Touhou. So yeah, oh and Hayate no Gotoku is pure win beyond any win in this world, just getting that out there.
So enough ramblings from me, w0lfmeister, signing out

That\'s right, the site is now finally working (~90%) 100%.
Hi, I\'m Alex. I am the admin and coder of the site and typesetter/encoder for ahodomo.